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Introduction of each Villages
 Villages  Features
 The residents here live with simplicity in mind and the area is focused on agriculture. The famous Syuankong Temple is located here, bringing endless visitors during holidays. Additionally, it also has the 500-meter-long purple Yongsing Suspension Bridge. Walking on the bridge and appreciating the setting sun is undoubtedly one of life’s greatest pleasures.
 Lutian Lutian is divided into the five settlements or villages of Dalin, Dongsiyan, Lutaoyang, Youche, and Siayan. Out of the various attractions, Jiang’s Historic Residence is a representative of Lutaoyang, located beside Provincial Highway 3, and occupying an area of 3.5 hectares. Its 200-year-old adobes, bamboo houses, red-brick buildings, and wet-screening houses from the period of Japanese occupation are filled with historic value. It also preserves the historic culture of "Songjiangjhen". The settlement is under the management of a company, which prohibits the construction of high buildings, and the settlement also serves as a living settlement museum. The film Zone Pro Site also has had a few scenes shot here.
 Mijhih  Intersected and surrounded by mountains with beautiful scenery, Mijhih provides visitors and couples with a place for hiking and is a great place for going on dates. The famous and largest Zengwun Reservoir is nearby and the beautiful scenery attracts numerous visitors. Its abundant production of star fruits and mangos is also renowned in Taiwan, the former of which always fill farmers’ hands full during harvest seasons.
 Jhaosing Jhaosing is divided into Singbei and Singnan, with the Zengwun River and other areas as their border. Dongshang District is to its north, the Lioujia, Danei, Yujing Districts to its west, and the Zengwun Reservoir is also located nearby. The people here are into fruit cultivation as their primary source of income. The main tourist attractions here are the Yongsing Suspension Bridge and the Wanfe Temple.
 Gueidan Gueidan is special because of its million-year-old mountain. The front of the mountain is a steep slope, with a cliff at its back. A great number of natural springs are located at the faults, hence, "Gueidan Hot Springs" serve as the main tourist attractions here. Additionally, the renowned Tiegushan Temple is also located in Gueidan, honoring anti-Japanese heroes such as Fang Da-han, Liou De-shao, and Chen He. The "Anti-Japanese Base" stone tablet inscribed by the heroes back then also has great historical significance.
 Dongshih  Being the most populated and the most lively village of the Nansi District, the only market in the area is populated by people in the morning, which is the busiest hours of the day. Most residents here make a living by planting fruits, while the younger generation mostly seeks jobs outside the region, leaving only the children and the elderly here. Yet, because of this, this village is able to maintain its simple way of life.
Wanciou is divided into two large areas: one is Fongsing, the other is Wanciou and Banana Mountain. The Meiling Scenic Area is situated here, with its great number of beautiful mountain trails, offering plum blossoms during the New Year and firefly watching in April. The residents here make a living by planting fruits or managing restaurants, and their way of living is primarily settlement or village-based.